
General Knowledge of Bangladesh Map

1.       What is total land area of Bangladesh?
Answer:  1, 47,570 square km
2.        What is the Boundary of Bangladesh?
Answer: Bangladesh is surrounded by West Bengla, Assam, Meghaloya, Tripura and the Bay of Bangal.
3.       Total Boundary of Bangladesh
Answer: 5138 Km
4.        Boundary of Bangladesh Myanmar-
Answer: 271 km
5.       What is the Political sea-area of Bangladesh?
Answer: 12 Nautical Miles.
6.       What is the total river area of Bangladesh?
Answer: 9380 Km.
7.        Economical Sea- area is-
Answer: 200 Nautical miles (370.6 km)
8.        What is the length of Cox’s Sea- shore?
Answer: 120 km (Source; Banglapedia)

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