1. What is constitution?
Answer: Constitution is
the main and supreme law of country>
Answer: Written
3. Is Bangladesh constitution
easily changeable or difficult to change?
Answer: Difficult to
4. When was Banglade4sh
constitution submitted in council?
Answer: 12 October,
5. When was Bangladesh Constitution
submitted in council?
Answer: 4 November 1972
6. When Bangladesh constitution was
was enacted?
Answer: 16 December
7. Who was the chief of Bangladesh
constitution makeup Committee?
Answer: Dr. Kamal
8. Who was the only woman member of
opposition party of constitution makeup Committee?
Answer: Begum Razia
9. Who was the member of opposition
party of constitution makeup Committee?
Answer: Suranzit
10. What’s the Constitutional name
of Bangladesh?
Answer: The People’s
Republic of Bangladesh.
11. Why was the 7th
amendment granted?
Answer: To give the
validity of the activities of Marshal Law govt from 25 March 1982 to 9 November 1986.
12. How many divisions of the
constitution are there?
Answer: 135
13. How many statements of
constitution have been delated?
Answer: 4 Statements
14. Under which amendment of law,
second was dismissed?
Answer: 4th Amendment.
15. According to constitution what
should be minimum age of president?
Answer: 35 Years
16. What should be the minimum age
to be a minister?
Answer: 25 Years
17. Which article of the
constitution has been taken out by the correcton?
Answer: Article-12
18. In which article we get the law
of appointment of ombudsman?
Answer: Article-77
19. To whom the constitution has
given the responsibility about the fulfillment of basic rights of people?
Answer: High Court.
20. When can a person give vote
according to the constitution?
Answer: After the age of 18 years.
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