
Constitution of Bangladesh Part=2

1.       How many moral philosophies of the state are?
Answer: 4 such as (1) Faith & confidence in the almighty Allah (2) Bangladeshi Nationality (3) Democracy (4) Socialism.
2.       When was Bangalee Nationalism converted into Bangladeshi Nationalism?
Answer: 3 March 1976
3.       How many votes are required to amend the constitution/
Answer: Two- thirds of the MPS.
4.       What is the Higher Court of Bangladesh?
Answer: Supreme Court.
5.       When “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” was inserted in Constitution?
Answer: 22 April 1977.
6.       How many divisions of Supreme Court has & what?
Answer: Two (1) High Court division (2) Appellate Division.
7.       When “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” was inserted in Bangladesh Constitution?
Answer: 22 April 1977
8.       On the basis of which Article of constitution the President gives appointment of minister & State Minister?
Answer: 56(2)
9.       Some parts of which amendment of constitution has been declared defunct by High Court?
Answer: A part of the Amendment-8
10.   What are the Characteristics of the temporary constitution of Bangladesh?
Answer: (1) Make a Council (2) Govt ruled by Council of Minister (3) Powerless president (4) Appointment of president in vacant post (5) High Court system & chief Justice.
11.   Who has given the announcement of the temporary constitution of Bangladesh?
Answer: The President of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
12.   When has the temporary constitution been announced?
Answer: 11 January 1972
13.   When was the constitution granted?
Answer: 4 November 1972
14.   When was the Fifth Amendment granted?
Answer: 1979.
15.   How many members were on the committee of the constitution?
Answer: 34.
16.   What is the subject matter of 13th amendment?
Answer: To make a caretaker govt for fair election.
17.   In which assembly of parliament was the questing of constitution raised?
Answer: 2nd assembly.
18.   When was the first session of Parliament of council started?
Answer: 10 April 1972.
19.   What is the bangle meaning of Impeachment?
Answer: Ovhishangson.
20.   How many times was the constitution amended?
Answer: 15 times.
21.   When was the Parliament Democracy started?
Answer: 6 August, 1991.