
Barguna District

Barguna district may be a part of the Barisal department. it's a location to the South-Western aspect of the us of a. before it have been sub-department and in the subsequent time, it is became the district. North of this district is observed Jhalokathi, Barisal, Pirojpur district. Patuakhali district is located to the side of it. The Bay of geographical place is to the western issue in Barguna. The Payra circulation, Bishkhali circulation and consequently the Baleshwar movement location unit the most circulate of Barguna.

It become mounted in 1984. Its space is 1831.31Sq Kilometers. overall populations location unit 902,465. among those individuals male is forty 9.88% and women is fifty.12%. man of the four religion stay right here. There region unit concerning Muslim ninety one.01%, Hindu eight.sixty nine%, Christian 0.04%, Buddhist 0.24% et al. 0.02% and is offered status quo for the scholars this district. There vicinity unit thirteen colleges and masses of opportunity health club, junior colleges, authorities, non-government grade college but as madrasas. talent price region unit regarding 40.14% and male forty five.15%, woman 35.05%. This district is common annual temperature most thirty 3.3°c. Annual rain is 2506 metric linear unit. There region unit several cultural groups place unit here for most people diversion. Few native daily newspaper and mag revealed from this district. The newspaper’s name is every day Dipanchol and daily Soikat news. Agricultural paintings is that the principle base of this district. All most of the people of this district place unit involved to agriculture activities. Paddy is that the main crop of this district. Jackfruit, mango, banana, papaya place unit principal culmination of this district. foremost exports of this district region unit pepper vine leaf, banana, betel nut, molasses, shrimp and many others. crucial turbines and factories of Barguna area unit rice mill, noticed mill, soap mill, flour mill, ice mill and pen mill.

Transportation is in particular by way of road and waterways. Bibichini residence of prayer, Buddhist temple and Buddhist Academy region unit tour region during this district. lots of us come returned to envision this extraordinary place as soon as a yr. Barguna district play vital position in a few methods to broaden our us of a economic system.

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