
Common Abbreviation of International Affairs S

SAARC = South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.
SADC=Southern African Development Community.
SAF = Structural Adjustment Facility.
SAFTA =South Asian Free Trade Area.
SAIC=SAIC SAARC Agricultural Information Center.
SALT = Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
SAM = Social Accounting Group.
SAM = Surface to Air Missile.
SANA = South Asian News Agency.

SAPO = South African Peoples Organization.
SAPTA = SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement.
SAYE = Save As You Earn.
SCC = SAARC Cultural Center.
SCITI= Small and Cottage Industries Training Institute.
SCO= Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
SCZMC = SAARC Coastal Zone Management
SDC = SAARC Documentation Center
SDI=Strategic Defense Initiative.
SDMC = SAARC Disaster Management Center.
SDR= Special Drawing Right
SEAC = South East Asia Courtnay.
SEADO= South East Asian Defense Organization
SEATO = South East Asian Treaty Organization
SEC =SAARC Energy Center.
SF=Science Fiction.
SFC= SAARC Forestry Center.
SPOR= Sustainment Force.
SHAEF= Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Force
SHAPE= Supreme Headquarters of Allied Powers in Europe
SHRDC= SAARC Human Resources Development Center
SICC= Singapore International Chamber of Commerce
SICOFAA= Cooperation System of the American Air Forces
SIC= SAARC Information Center
SID= Society for International Development
SIGG= SAARC Inter Governmental Group
SIM= Subscriber Identity Module
SIS=Secret Intelligence Service
SLORC= State Law and Order Restoration Council
SMPP= SAARC Meteorological Research Center
SMS= Short Message Service
SNPA= Specialized New Programme of Action
SODAC= Society for Development and Co-operation
SOE= State Owned Enterprises
SOFO= State of the Worlds Forest
SOS= Save Our Souls
SPCA= Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SPCC= Society for  the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
SPO= Special Police Officer
SRG= Study and Research Group
STO= Standing Revenue Order
START= Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
STC= SAARC Tuberculosis Center 

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