
Common Abbreviation of International Affairs P

P IF= Pacific Islands Forum
PA = Personal Assistant/Press Association
PABE= Private Automatic Branch Exchange
PAEC = Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
PC= Personal Computer
PCB = Pakistan Cricket Board
PFLPGC = Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command
PFLT = People's Front of the Liberation Tiger's
PG = Post Graduate
PGM = Post Master General
PhD = Doctor of Philosophy
PLO = Palestine Liberation Organization
PLOTE = Peoples Liberation Organization for Tamil Eelam
PNC = Palestine National Council
POW = Prisoners of War
PP = Public Prosecutor
PPP =Pakistan People’s Party.
PR =Public Relations.
PRO =Public Relation Officer.
PSTN =Public Switched Telephone Network.
PTA = Pre-paid Travel Arrangement.
PUK= Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
PWD = Public Works Department 

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  U  V  W  X  Y 

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