
General knowledge in Bangladesh quiz answer

1.      Official Name:
The People’s Republic of Banglades
2.      Government system:
 Parliamentary Government Multilateral democracy, Unicameral parliament named the “House of the Nations”
3.      State Language:
4.      State religion:

5.      The other religion:
Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian
Muslim 90.4%, Hindu8.5%, duddihist0.6%, Christain0.3%, others0.2%.
6.      Total area:
 1, 47,570 square km (56,977 square mile)
7.      Geographical Location:
 Bangladesh is in 20⁰34’ and 26⁰38’ North latitude and 88⁰01’ and 92⁰41’ east longitude
8.      Local time:
Greenwich Time+6 hour
9.      Which geographical line is crossed over Bangladesh:
      The Tropic of Cancer.
10.  Radio Centre:
Dhaka, Chittagaong, Rajshahi, Khulna, Sylhet, Rangpur,
11.  Highest peak:
     Bijoy. ( Tajindong)
12.  Second Highest peak:
13.  Maximum Rainfall area):
     Lalkhan ( Sylhet)
14.  Minimum Rainfall area:
15.  The position of Bangladesh according to they population:
16.  The Position of Bangladesh According to the Population in the Muslim world:
17.  UN’S member:
     136th member
18.  Total Forest area:
      21403 sq km {Source Banglapidia}
19.  Total male:
     7 core 49 lakh and 80 thousand
20.  Total Female:
    7 crore 47 lakh and 91 thousand.

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